Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Hello all!

We are the planned parenthood princesses! We are; Katelyn, Amanda, Stephanie, Crystal and Brooke. We study elementary education at Salem State. Our service project is to gain awareness for planned parenthood and all that they do. We want people to know how important a place like this is, so girls can continue to go there in confidence. We have interviewed a couple of boys about this matter to get their opinions and a lot of them have never heard of a place like this. We hope to not only educate girls about Planned Parenthood but educate the boys as well. The government is trying to cut the funding for planned parenthood, and we disagree with this completely.

A few of the links on the right speak of the bills that are being passed on both a federal and state level.  If either houses support the bills Planned Parenthood looks to lose millions in funding which in turn will effect what services will be offered to women.  Mostly healthcare concerning sex education,cancer preventative screening, testings and treatments.

Crystal's position:  I absolutely support Planned Parenthood.  Not only have they been educating millions of young girls and women for years  but they have also been an advocate for women's rights.  Many of the negative attention towards Planned Parenthood has to do with the issue of birth control and abortions.  I believe every women has the right to choose whether or not they want or need either of choices.  Even if they don't they should at least have the option.  When our resources are taken away it leaves us with no options but the ones being forced on us. Especially for those who have limited financial support to begin with.  I hope we can come together and support our girls of today and the mothers of tomorrow.

Stephanie's position:  I am in full support of Planned Parenthood.  I feel as if everyone should have a  right to make informed, independent decisions about health, sex, and family planning. This is a place that has been  a trusting and caring environment that has been helping women for 90 years.  They should not lose thier funding just because they allow individuals to prevent unintended pregnancies through access to affordable contraception. They are actually the one's who protect the health of young people by providing them with comprehensive sex education,  health tests, and screenings for cervical and other cancers. Planned Parenthood is a necessary resouce for low income families and it should not be taken away. We should not be forced into losing such a necessary resource because the Government does not agree with some of the decisions it makes.

Katie’s position- I support everything that has to do with Planned Parenthood. I would say just about every girl I know has been there at least once in their lifetime whether it be for themselves or if they were bringing a friend. Planned parenthood is somewhere where girls can go and no one else needs to know about it. They don’t charge you some ridiculous co-pay and usually take care of everything that day.  Getting rid of a place like this would defiantly have a huge impact on younger girls who need some type of contraceptive or information about sex in general.

Amanda's Position: Just like the rest of my group I fully support Planned Parenthood and think it's a great and essential organization. Planned Parenthood is a place where young girls can go to get information, help, or testing, at a zero or low cost. Planned Parenthood makes girls feel comfortable and gives them the knowledge and necessities to have safe sex. Planned Parenthood is also essential to low income areas and families as a lot of girls don't have the right role models in their lives or the money for protection. I think it is absolutely horrible that the government is trying to cut funding for a great organization such as Planned Parenthood.

Brooke's Position: Like the rest of my group, I support Planned Parenthood. It is an important organization to educate and support girls and women's health. Poor education can cause the spread of teenage pregnancy and STDs. Planned Parenthood can help communities by being a safe place to get help and ask questions. The free testing, condoms, and lessons is a vital commodity for young women who decide to be sexually active. Even more so in areas that do not have the resources to support them. The fact that the government thinks it has the right to cut funding and control the sexual health of women is disgusting. This is a step backward in women's rights.