Thursday, March 1, 2012

Amanda's Reflection

I have always known about and support Planned Parenthood, but doing this project opened my eyes to the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood. I learned about the funding cuts and I think that is ridiculous that rich politicians are trying to cut an organization that helps young girls, low income individuals, and women in general. I feel that the people wanting to cut funding are not educated on everything Planned Parenthood does and has not been in a situation where they need the help Planned Parenthood provides. Going to Planned Parenthood in Boston made me see how serious of an issue this is as their were people outside yelling as we walked in, metal detectors, cameras and security guides.
Through doing our service learning project I learned that our age group and generation is very aware of Planned Parenthood and for the most part supports them.
This is a tricky topic to teach at the elementary level because it's not age appropriate, but away it can be incorporated is by talking about personal health and hygiene.

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