Thursday, February 16, 2012

Critical Attributes:
Using critical attributes is a teaching strategy that focuses the procedural knowledge. Everything has critical, or key, attributes and non-critical attributes. Keeping in mind the critical attributes help focus a teacher's lesson. The critical attributes for our blog would be:
  • The government is trying to cut the funding for planned parenthood, because of their views on birth control and abortion.
  • Bills are being passed on both a federal and state level. If the bills pass on either level, Planned Parenthood looks to lose millions in funding, which in turn will effect what services will be offered to women.
Procedural/Informational Knowledge:
The informational knowledge on our project about the Fight for Planned Parenthood is the facts, concepts, and generalizations that have to do with Planned Parenthood. For example, the fact that "the Planned Parenthood Federation of America will have to accept a cut in federal funding"(Source) and that "a controversial bill is moving through Congress that will drastically cut funding for Planned Parenthood"(Source) would count under informational knowledge.
The procedural knowledge would be the way we are implementing and reacting to the informational knowledge. For our project this would be the way we are protesting and spreading the word about the injustice against women's health and Planned Parenthood through this blog, our research, and our service learning project.

Breaking this concept up to teach as you read the blog:The way that you could break this concept up to teach it would be to break it into sections. These sections would include Planned Parenthood, the government, and the bills that relate to cutting Planned Parenthoods funding. If there is a chance to have a discussion about these concepts then you will probably begin to hear the different opinions and views people have based on their prior knowledge.  Make sure you discuss these beliefs based on the different viewpoints that people have. Following this, hand out information or have them look up Planned Parenthood on the internet so that they can see it is not all about abortions.  It is important to inform them that Planned Parenthood is all about women’s health.  Furthermore, most of the women served by Planned Parenthood are poor and without means to get healthcare of any kind elsewhere. Be sure that when you are talking about Planned Parenthood you include facts about their services, such as how 86% of the care they provide relates to contraception, STD testing and treatment, and cancer screening. In other words, they make the women they service healthier. In fact, only 3% are abortion services, and the government does not pay for them to be performed. However, do not force your opinions onto anyone.  It is important that everyone makes their own knowledgeable judgments.  The key thing is to start with the facts, that way everyone has the same unbiased information.

Then, you will want to go on and discuss the problems that could be caused if the government cuts Planned Parenthoods funding.  You really do not have to go to in depth with why they want to cut these funds, but you will want to share the effects of this funding cut.  It is important to make sure your information is accurate, unbiased, and that you share the links you used so that if people want to check them out they can.  Remember that not everyone will share the same opinion as you, but that is okay because there are two sides to this issue.

Once the students have become aware of the facts about what Planned Parenthood actually does, what the government is trying to do, and the effects this will have on Planned Parenthood and the public move onto talking about the Bills that the government is trying to be passed on both the federal and state level.  You do not want to make this into a government bash session, but you do want to openly share any information that you have about Planned Parenthood. 

Additionally, within our blog it is our goal to make sure that everyone is getting the facts.  We want people to be able to see just how much Planned Parenthood does for women’s health and low income families.  We also want people to be able to understand how devastating it will be for the public if the government cuts Planned Parenthoods funds. Nevertheless, we also want our blog to contribute to helping people make informed decisions about the effects on Planned Parenthood if the government cuts it’s funding.

Our Service Learning Project:
For our service learning project we will be raising awareness for Planned Parenthood and giving information out about their services and also handing out safe sex kits. We have been in close conduct with the Planned Parenthood in Boston, specifically their Outreach and Organizing Coordinator. We contacted her asking what we could do to help and in response she supplied us with safe sex kits, pamphlets, and support cards.
Planned Parenthood Massachusetts

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