Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stephanie’s Planned Parenthood Interview

I interviewed my younger brother Patrick who is 18 years old.  Patrick is 18years old, a senior at Lynn English High School, a history and government major, and works part time at Abercrombie Kids. I chose to interview Patrick because I wanted to see just how much children at the high school level know about Planned Parenthood.  I was also interested in hearing a males perspective about the situation.

What do you know about Planned Parenthood?

I know that Planned Parenthood is kind of like a health clinic.  It is a place that you can go to and get free contraception (condoms, birth control) and other health related services.  Unfortunately, I do not know a lot about it though because ever since President Bush enacted abstinence-only education my teachers can only tell us “don’t have sex” or “just don’t do it.”  When we try and talk to them about it they inform us that we have to talk to someone else because they can lose their job over it.

Do you think that cutting funds for Planned Parenthood is a problem? Why or why not?

Yes…if the government cuts the funding then what will happen to the low class people and teenagers who need assistance and cannot afford or go to their primary care doctor? In the end it will just create more poverty and more low income families.

Do you agree with government cutting funds for Planned Parenthood?  Why or why not?

No, I do not agree with government cutting funds for Planned Parenthood. I think the government should be involved, but they should not cut the funding.  If they do cut the funding then a lot of younger people will get pregnant, and in the end it will be more damaging for the government.  The government needs to promote safe sex and even supply us with resources and knowledge; not take it away from us.

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why/ why not?

Yes, other within my community would think this is an important problem.  I have only heard about Planned Parenthood because of other students at my school. I know that it is important to be able to continue these services, and have a place where teens can go for confidential assurance and information they cannot receive at school or home. Everyone I know has gone to a Planned Parenthood center or knows someone who has, even if it is just for information. 

What are disadvantages of this policy?

Overall, it is more so the fact that people do not like their money going to someone else.  They often feel places like Planned Parenthood are unnecessary because they have never been given proper information about it.  There is also the image of it being an abortion house, and evil. This makes people feel as if Planned Parenthood goes against their personal and religious beliefs.  These types of stereotypes are harmful because they lead people to not want to support or fund the “poor” people who need birth control.

Due to the little knowledge you have about Planned Parenthood’s budget cuts, which party do you believe is responsible for them and why?

I think that the Conservatives/Republicans are responsible for this because they are pro-life and against government spending (for the most part).  The Democrats, on the other hand, are pro-choice and for government spending (again, for the most part).  Plus, by cutting the funding to Planned Parenthood they are able to turn this into a political issue.

Do you think the government is doing this on purpose to affect women's rights?

No, but to play devil’s advocate I would say the government is more so playing class war fare. They are perpetuating the cycle of poverty more so than anything.

What, if anything, do you think the government can do to help Planned Parenthood instead of cutting their budget?

I think the government should leave Planned Parenthood alone as long as they are not providing the funding for abortions.  Planned Parenthood helps a lot of people and provides resources to both men and women. They give out free condoms, birth control, sexual health information, and many other things all while keeping it confidential.  We do not have to go to our parents, which often times we can’t anyways.  The government should make it known that it is not a place for the irresponsible, it is actually the exact opposite because they give us the opportunity to be responsible for ourselves.

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?

You can look it up on the internet or check out my blog spot.  I am sure that you can also hear about it on the news and in the newspapers.  Honestly, the best way to find information related to both side of this situation is by going online and typing in Planned Parenthood funding cuts.
My brother in Italy!!!Me and Patrick enjoying the Red Sox!!!


I learned that our society really is affected by our government.  I knew that government could influence us, but I never really realized how much they could add or take away at their leisure.  I think though my biggest surprise was learning about the abstinence only policy in education. To know that a teacher cannot help advise a student about their sexual health (if asked) is sad.  I mean really where are these children supposed to go?  I know that they have places like Planned Parenthood, but what happens when the funding is cut, then where do they go?  I also like the way it was brought to my attention that this is about women, but it is more so about class status.  The lower classes are likely to be the ones who lose out on everything they need assistance with (not just women). By conducting this interview I learned (through some quick research) that Planned Parenthood also conducts health screening for men.  In addition to this, they give openly give them information, testing, and other materials for safe sex. I really liked how I was able to hear the opinion from a high school student, from a more poverty stricken area. I think that in some ways I was expecting him to know more about this situation and was a little surprised to find out that what he knows it just from basic conversations.

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