Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Debate on Planned Parenthood: A matter of life and death?

"The funding for Planned Parenthood allows for the resources needed to educate women on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place."

     Hello everyone! Our blog assignment for this project was to prepare an interview with questions that involve our fight to support Planned Parenthood and all of its incredibly important resources. I conducted my interview with someone who I knew would have very strong opinions in this area...my mother, Lorraine! My mother is a mother of two from Methuen, and an active participant in my hometown's community. When I approached her on potentially doing an interview about the challenges facing Planned Parenthood, she was immediately on board to answer my questions.

-What do you know about Planned Parenthood?
     They give out birth control and exams to people on a sliding pay scale, so that people with out money or insurance can get the help they need and see a doctor. They also can refer women to get mammograms because a doctor's referral is needed to make an appointment to have a mammogram performed. Planned Parenthood also provides resources that can help educate young women to make healthy decisions regarding sexual activity and learn about their bodies.

-Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
     Yes! This is a very big issue! Millions of women won't have access to birth control, gynecological exams, and mammograms if funding is cut to Planned Parenthood. This lack of help can cause serious health issues and even, in the extreme, death! A woman might never know if she had cervical cancer, for example. This decision would mainly affect the poorer women, who may need it the most! Many cities have high levels of poverty and not just individual poverty, but a general community poverty as well.  These communities would have an extremely difficult time self funding a Planned Parenthood facility. I think it is unfair to take away from these Planned Parenthood clinics! Not only does it do all those things I mentioned, but it educates women who may not know key information in areas related to sexual health.

-Do you think the government is doing this on purpose to affect women's rights?
     I think it is a political ploy by the anti-abortionists in the government to punish Planned Parenthood for performing legal abortions.

-Does Planned Parent perform the abortions themselves or do they refer the women somewhere else?
     Some Planned Parenthood clinics perform the abortion on site, though its a small percent of Planned Parenthood's operations. They do so much more than abortions that its not right for the government to punish them based on that one small factor.

-Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why/ why not?
      A lot of people do! There was an overwhelming response to the announcement and it blew up all over social media! People very very upset and concerned for these women who would be denied if this took place. In fact, there was such a huge outcry that the cut to funding was overturned and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure decided to continue their support of Planned Parenthood. Before they announced their continued support for Planned Parenthood, many stopped donating to them. Instead, they directly donated money to Planned Parenthood, so that they could stay in business.

-What disagreements, if any, about Planned Parenthood exist in this community?
      Its an ongoing debate between the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice supporters. Its constantly in the news, even more so during election times. Personally, I think Roe v. Wade will never be overturned and nor should it. Back alley abortions and other dangerous methods would certainly happen to these women who choose abortion if Planned Parenthood were shut down. The funding for Planned Parenthood allows for the resources needed to educate women on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

-Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
      Many places can be used to find more information. A quick Google search to find Pro-Life or Pro-Choice websites can be very informative, though you have to check the sites credibility. Planned Parenthood.com and internet forums on this topic can help, too.

     I think Lorraine makes some fantastic points in this interview. Planned Parenthood being denied funding is an issue that needs to be looked at deeper. Its not just an organization that could be shut down! People need to consider the lives that would be affected by this decision. I too share many of these opinions. I did learn quite a bit of information in discussing the debate on Planned Parenthood. I did not know that some of the Planned Parenthood clinics performed the actual abortion. I had always thought that they referred the women to a different clinic or to a specific abortion clinic. I have a clearer view of why Planned Parenthood is being attacked by Pro-Lifers now. People really need to see past the abortion argument and look at all the greater good that Planned Parenthood does. Think on your own family, friends, and neighbors in the community who could be affected. Would you really want them to be denied the care they deserve?


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