Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crystal's Take Action!


To take action and show our support for Planned Parenthood we contacted the Boston division who then gave us these card (shown above) and other materials to distribute at our gathering where we will be raising awareness.  By filling out the card with your personal information you are agreeing that you too support PPH family planning, birth control and preventative care for women. At the same time you are also supplying PPH with the information that will contribute to their database on demographics concerning who does endorse PPH.

By signing up through the card above I am acknowledging that I want to be informed of any issues that will affect PPH.  In return I can show my support by helping them fight these battles in whichever way they present themselves.  Meaning politically by sending letters out, volunteering or even protesting.  I am already apart of a few other organizations where I volunteer my time throughout the year so it feels good to add another onto the list because I am acting on what I believe is good for our society and future generations.

This type of action connects with our society's democratic values because I am voicing my opinion through freedom of speech.  I want to be informed if something or someone tries to change the help that PPH offers and therefore do my part to keep this organization up and running.  :o)  Keeping yourself and others educated on the current event issues is definitely a tool for the public good.  Sadly it is not something that everyone takes advantage of so it up to those who are educated to help with awareness on these types of problems.

" Struggle for social justice is central to our nation's history....concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies."  

I absolutely agree with this quote.  Children should be made aware and educated about the right's they hold as citizens but also the rights that every women and man hold regardless of their color of their skin, sexuality, age or gender.  By allowing and advocating for the rights of every individual we are also making a better place for the common good as well.  I believe social studies can be one of the easiest and trickiest areas to teach to children because not everyone will agree on certain issues.  Everyone has the right to their own opinion.  As teachers we need to teach strategies where children are able to voice these opinions in a safe environment while learning to respect the rights of others.

On another note below I am listing additional links that concern's women's rights when it comes to birth control and abortion that have been recently in the news.  The first link is an article from the Huffington Post "the Virginia House passed the extreme “personhood” bill that could ban common forms of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, and abortion care with no exceptions for women in VA."

This could do so much damage to women's rights if this were to be passed.  But as long as we all stand up and voice our opinions I hope it does not pass just like last time.

The next link is concerning the recent decision made by President Barack Obama for extending benefits to cover birth control.  These are the top craziest things being said about this decision:

What I find to be a little ironic when it comes to this topic is that the people that are making decisions on women's behalf are all men!

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