Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brooke's Final Blog

 I've never been one for activism. I've always been the "eh..someone else will do it for me" type when it comes to these things. Even at the beginning of this project I felt this way. I didn't get why I had to do something tedious like post in a silly little blog that no one outside the class would read. Over time I grew on the topic, even more so when I learned how it could seriously affect me, my relatives, and my friends. I grew disgusted with the lack of respect women were receiving from the media and the government. The debate on birth control and religion infuriated me. What happened to the separation of church and state?!

Like I said in my previous blog, I learned so much over the course of this project. At the beginning, I only knew that there were people out there who disagreed with Planned Parenthood's ideas and methods, but after this project I realized that it went so much deeper! I had no idea how much good Planned Parenthood actually does for women, and men! I've learned just how much the government is interfering in women's health and how little women actually get to say about it in the debates.

Even still, I felt uncomfortable actually going out and spreading the word. I had no problem doing the research and posting on the blog. But going out and doing a service learning project was hard for me. I worried about the people on the extreme opposite side and how they would attack me, either verbally or physically. After hearing from the girls in my group who actually got yelled at by people outside Planned Parenthood, I grew even more uncomfortable. I agreed with the fight but could not join it on the front lines. Then the rest of my group decided on spreading the word at a fundraiser for the SSU LAX team. I was still uncomfortable with the whole passing out condoms and pamphlets thing. Fortunately,  life intervened and I ended up not being able to make the fundraiser. I felt bad about missing it because I knew I'd miss out on an important part of the assignment, but I was relieved.

It then made me think. What if I had a student who was uncomfortable with a service learning project? Would I force them to just "get over it and out there" if it just did not sit right with them? Would that be fair, even if they did all the rest of the work with the group, to give them a lower grade? I don't think it would be. I would find an alternative for them if necessary. As long as they did the assignments and research, I would allow it and grade based on what they had done. What about if the project did not sit right with the parents? There are a lot of what ifs in these projects. However, I do see the benefits of teaching them to stand up and fight for things they believe in.

Despite not being able to make the fundraiser, I feel as though I have been a member of this group.I did the work, learned a lot, and maybe over time will be able be more verbal and aggressive in fighting for women and Planned Parenthood.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Brooke's Reflection

     I learned so much over the course of this project. At the beginning, I only knew that there were people out there who disagreed with Planned Parenthood's ideas and methods, but after this project I realized that it went so much deeper! I had no idea how much good Planned Parenthood actually does for women, and men! Everything from services to education and, yes, abortion. I've learned just how much the government is interfering in women's health and how little women actually get to say about it in the debates. Why is it that men are the only ones giving an opinion? Its disgusting to think that some day I may not have control over my own body!
     I stand right alongside Planned Parenthood, though I disagree with abortion except in extreme cases. But the fact of the matter is that abortion is one tiny piece of all the good Planned Parenthood does. I support their fight for women's health and rights. I encourage people to learn more before they judge Planned Parenthood and the women, and men, who use their services. I pray that the government realizes that they have no control in what we as women do with our bodies. Spreading the word about safe sex and the ways that women can protect their bodies is not a "shameful" and "horrible" thing!
     I would use this materiel and topic in high school's more so than lower grades. This is a topic that would affect those students more. It can be altered for lower grades by having the students learn about the benefits of promoting health and preventing classes like health and gym from being removed from their school.
   This project was very enlightening. I think more people need to do research before they make their opinions. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Katies Reflection

What I learned- I already knew a lot about this topic but what i learned is that there are so many people that do not stand with Planned Parenthood. I also believe that there should be a location that is closer to the Salem State area, the closest one is in Somerville.
Where I stand- I stand with Planned Parenthood, and always will. I think everything they do has a good purpose behind it.
How to tie it all in- In the elementary school you cant really tie in Planned Parenthood, but in older grades i do feel it is very important to teach safe sex. It is very important for people to know all the good things that Planned Parenthood do and all the great services that they have, that are free! 
Service Learning- Our service learning project was great! There were so many people that wanted to know more about Planned Parenthood. Also, learning that so many people did not know about Planned Parenthood made me feel like i was really doing something good. I was teaching people about Planned Parenthood and the free services that are available. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stephanie's Reflection

I can honestly say that ever since I was a teenager I have been a supporter of Planned Parenthood. My reasons behind this stem from knowing what it is like not to have health insurance but having a personal health issue that needed to be treated almost right away. If I did not have the resources available to meet with this doctor then it would have turned into a serious problem. So, to learn about the funding for places like this being cut by MEN, who have never had to worry about cervical cysts or mammograms ,really upsets me.  I never thought that one day I would be advocating for an agency that does so much for women (and men) in the lower social class of society because of funding cuts.  I also never thought that I would be the one saying everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but be sure to look at the facts first; don’t just listen to the government officials or the religious views.
In fact,  from doing this project I wonder how people can go about making laws, cutting funding, and bring about change, when they don’t even have (or care) about the facts.  It is interesting to see how easy it is for the government to just cut the funding for places the can have controversial services, like Planned Parenthood, but overall are doing something really good for the lower class.

In many ways Planned Parenthoods most recent funding cut out in Texas sums up what I have learned from this project, and how harmful it really is to cut Planned Parenthoods funding. “Texas Governor Rick Perry moved to effectively sabotage the state's entire Medicaid Women's Health Program, which provides 130,000 low-income women with basic reproductive health care services. This comes on the heels of devastating cuts to women's health funding across the board — cuts already expected to leave 160,000 women without care this year.  Within days and weeks, even more women — who very often have no other options — will be cut off from health care. Governor Perry and his conservative allies have once again chosen politics over the lives of Texas women. He will never know the reality of the women who rely on these programs. He will never know what it's like for a woman who feels a lump in her breast, but has to worry about the cost of a doctor's visit.”
I also know from doing my service learning project that there really are a lot more people out there who support Planned Parenthood then we would think.  I couldn’t believe how many women said “oh, Planned Parenthood—I love Planned Parenthood.”   I also couldn’t believe the amount of guys who were just as supportive; although not as many of them knew about a whole lot about it.  In some ways, I think I also expected more people to disagree with Planned Parenthood simply because of the reputation it holds, but I was able to see that it actually holds more of a good reputation than a bad one with the younger people (men and women) of this generation. I really enjoyed doing this service learning project because I was taken outside of my comfort zone, as I supported but never once pushed my beliefs upon others. In the end, we were able to get over 60 people to support Planned Parenthood and because of that I was able to walk away from the night grateful I went.

As to adapting this service learning project to the classroom, I do not feel as if this topic would be appropriate for an elementary school classroom. However, Planned Parenthood does have an excellent amount of resources on their website that has links for implementing sex education in the classroom, program evaluation tools, activity and lesson plans, books, curricula and manuals, pamphlets, research papers, videos, and websites.  So, if you need these resources they are available. Also, instead of sex education the class could have a topic that relates to proper health and hygiene.

In the end, I am glad that I chose to become an advocate for Planned Parenthood, and I am grateful that I was able to partake in the service learning project where I was given the advantage of seeing other people’s reaction to the topic.  I know that I cannot use this topic in school, but I am glad that if I ever had to for some reason there are resources available. 

Amanda's Reflection

I have always known about and support Planned Parenthood, but doing this project opened my eyes to the controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood. I learned about the funding cuts and I think that is ridiculous that rich politicians are trying to cut an organization that helps young girls, low income individuals, and women in general. I feel that the people wanting to cut funding are not educated on everything Planned Parenthood does and has not been in a situation where they need the help Planned Parenthood provides. Going to Planned Parenthood in Boston made me see how serious of an issue this is as their were people outside yelling as we walked in, metal detectors, cameras and security guides.
Through doing our service learning project I learned that our age group and generation is very aware of Planned Parenthood and for the most part supports them.
This is a tricky topic to teach at the elementary level because it's not age appropriate, but away it can be incorporated is by talking about personal health and hygiene.

Crystal's Reflection

I was already a supporter of Planned Parenthood before doing this project and I will continue to do so.    I have learned a lot more about the subject then I realized.  There is so much controversy about Planned Parenthood because of the services it provides.  Most of these issues are politically or religiously based.  I absolutely believe that everybody has the right to their own beliefs but it's discouraging to see how forceful they can be when others do not agree with them.  I used to think that it's okay if they can at least tolerate those that take advantage of the health services and education that PPH has to offer.  Even that they can't do.  Look at Katie and Amanda's experience even going to the clinic for information.  My plan as of today is to raise awareness on EVERY service that PPH has to offer communities.

There are some topics that aren't age appropriate for elementary school students concerning PPH however there are still some topics that could be discussed for those who are in the fifth grade.|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided)&__utmv=-&__utmk=160313661

This link above helps parents with ideas on how to talk about sex and puberty as well as retreats they could go on to learn how to communicate more effectively.  There is a "Not Now" program offered to 5th and 6th graders where it advocates for abstinance.  I could see myself as a teacher using PPH to promote healthy living through eating properly, exercising and socialization.  One of my main focuses would be their well-being and what they could do to maintain it.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Planned Parenthood and Health Education

     The topic of Planned Parenthood and the debates surrounding it is not something that we would bring to the attention of elementary school students. Many teachers and parents would find that to be inappropriate and, as a group, we agreed. However, a similar topic that may be more age appropriate for the children would be the issues of health education in elementary schools. Along with band, choir, and home economics, one of the first classes to disappear with budget cuts is health class. Following close behind may even be physical education classes! Its sad to think that in the age of childhood obesity we are close to loosing one of the few chances children have to exercise during the school day or even the whole day! Schools are doing great in promoting health in terms of having the food group signs up in the cafeteria or serving healthy lunches, but it backfires when you take away opportunities to follow the healthy eating with exercise! Sure the kids have recess, but shouldn't they have more than just fifteen minutes or so a day? Some schools in the U.S. want to do away with recess all together. Here we are promoting the importance of exercise, but we're taking away their opportunity to do just that. Health class is just another way to build upon your basis of healthy eating. In many health classes children have the chance to learn other ways to be healthy and what is going on in their bodies that requires them to eat healthy.
     Students could actively protest the loss of their recess, physical education class, and health class by doing research on the benefits of those classes and spreading the word that they may be lost for good. They could start a campaign and write letters to their principal and other school administrators. Students could also help their school promote the healthy habits by hanging up posters to remind their classmates the healthy habits they should follow.

Related Websites:
Too Much Sugar in Kids DietsHealthy Recipes for KidsProblem with Cutting Gym and Recess

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stephanie's Taking Action!

To take action and show our support for Planned Parenthood we contacted the Boston division who then gave us cards and other materials to distribute at a gathering we will be having on Saturday February 18th 2012, where we will be raising awareness for Planned Parenthood. By filling out the card with your personal information you are agreeing that you too support Planned Parenthood, family planning, birth control and preventative care for women. At the same time you are also supplying Planned Parenthood with the information that will contribute to their database on demographics of people who support them. I can honestly say that I am excited to take part in something that will be able to support women's health.

Taking this type of action connects with my democratic views because I believe that everyone has the right to equality, and that the government should not have the final say in women's health. The government is saying that we all have individual rights, but yet many women cannot afford insurance so they go to places like Planned Parenthood where they can receive the same type of care as they would from a Primary Care doctor. By taking part in this gathering, signing this information card, and just spreading the word about all of the good things Planned Parenthood does for women I am making a difference, I am supporting women's health and women's rights.

Lastly, in regards to teaching about social justice issues I am all for it. I believe that teaching social justice issues can be so beneficial to the students because you are engaging them in a controversial topic, yet showing them that it is okay for them to have differences in their opinions. I do, however, believe that you may want to work on topics the students bring up because you really do not want one that is too advanced and current. In addition to this you want to be careful when you discuss these topics to try and stay open-mined. Remember that one person may take a strong opinion about one side of the issue, while another student takes on the same strong opinion but for the opposite side of the topic.

To me education is all about helping the students to see and learn new concepts.  They can be something as simple as the alphabet to a subject that is as controversial as current events.  I want my students to know and understand that you can learn just as much outside of the classroom as you can in it.  I also believe that education is an instrument for the common good.  The reason I feel this way is because when a student learns that they “get more bee’s with honey” inside the classroom, they will hopefully c continue to follow those morals outside the classroom.  It is my hope that they will help an elderly person, a sibling, a parent etc. By learning through education how important it is to help others, and hopefully this will be something they then do for the rest of their lives.

As for the quote, “Struggle for social justice is central to our nation’s history…“Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies” I think that it really sends all of the reasons as to why we teach social studies, but also why we have to be careful because of the politics and morality within it.

Critical Attributes:
Using critical attributes is a teaching strategy that focuses the procedural knowledge. Everything has critical, or key, attributes and non-critical attributes. Keeping in mind the critical attributes help focus a teacher's lesson. The critical attributes for our blog would be:
  • The government is trying to cut the funding for planned parenthood, because of their views on birth control and abortion.
  • Bills are being passed on both a federal and state level. If the bills pass on either level, Planned Parenthood looks to lose millions in funding, which in turn will effect what services will be offered to women.
Procedural/Informational Knowledge:
The informational knowledge on our project about the Fight for Planned Parenthood is the facts, concepts, and generalizations that have to do with Planned Parenthood. For example, the fact that "the Planned Parenthood Federation of America will have to accept a cut in federal funding"(Source) and that "a controversial bill is moving through Congress that will drastically cut funding for Planned Parenthood"(Source) would count under informational knowledge.
The procedural knowledge would be the way we are implementing and reacting to the informational knowledge. For our project this would be the way we are protesting and spreading the word about the injustice against women's health and Planned Parenthood through this blog, our research, and our service learning project.

Breaking this concept up to teach as you read the blog:The way that you could break this concept up to teach it would be to break it into sections. These sections would include Planned Parenthood, the government, and the bills that relate to cutting Planned Parenthoods funding. If there is a chance to have a discussion about these concepts then you will probably begin to hear the different opinions and views people have based on their prior knowledge.  Make sure you discuss these beliefs based on the different viewpoints that people have. Following this, hand out information or have them look up Planned Parenthood on the internet so that they can see it is not all about abortions.  It is important to inform them that Planned Parenthood is all about women’s health.  Furthermore, most of the women served by Planned Parenthood are poor and without means to get healthcare of any kind elsewhere. Be sure that when you are talking about Planned Parenthood you include facts about their services, such as how 86% of the care they provide relates to contraception, STD testing and treatment, and cancer screening. In other words, they make the women they service healthier. In fact, only 3% are abortion services, and the government does not pay for them to be performed. However, do not force your opinions onto anyone.  It is important that everyone makes their own knowledgeable judgments.  The key thing is to start with the facts, that way everyone has the same unbiased information.

Then, you will want to go on and discuss the problems that could be caused if the government cuts Planned Parenthoods funding.  You really do not have to go to in depth with why they want to cut these funds, but you will want to share the effects of this funding cut.  It is important to make sure your information is accurate, unbiased, and that you share the links you used so that if people want to check them out they can.  Remember that not everyone will share the same opinion as you, but that is okay because there are two sides to this issue.

Once the students have become aware of the facts about what Planned Parenthood actually does, what the government is trying to do, and the effects this will have on Planned Parenthood and the public move onto talking about the Bills that the government is trying to be passed on both the federal and state level.  You do not want to make this into a government bash session, but you do want to openly share any information that you have about Planned Parenthood. 

Additionally, within our blog it is our goal to make sure that everyone is getting the facts.  We want people to be able to see just how much Planned Parenthood does for women’s health and low income families.  We also want people to be able to understand how devastating it will be for the public if the government cuts Planned Parenthoods funds. Nevertheless, we also want our blog to contribute to helping people make informed decisions about the effects on Planned Parenthood if the government cuts it’s funding.

Our Service Learning Project:
For our service learning project we will be raising awareness for Planned Parenthood and giving information out about their services and also handing out safe sex kits. We have been in close conduct with the Planned Parenthood in Boston, specifically their Outreach and Organizing Coordinator. We contacted her asking what we could do to help and in response she supplied us with safe sex kits, pamphlets, and support cards.
Planned Parenthood Massachusetts

    Katie is taking action!

    For this service learning project i have done whatever i can to get my voice heard. I believe it is very important for everyone to know about Planned Parenthood and all the great things they do for girls. When i began this project i knew that this was going to be fun but hard to get the information we needed. Amanda and myself drove to Somerville, Mass to the Planned Parenthood that is located there and they sent us to Boston. The Planned Parenthood that is in Boston is the main headquarters. When we walked in there, their was people yelling at us from outside and then when we walked in, there was security and medal detectors. That is when we realized how serious this matter is. We wanted to talk to someone, anyone but we couldnt all they could do was give us a piece of paper and had us fill it out. We filled the paper out and told them what we were doing and our questions and our concerns, handed it back to the women and then she said it could take up to two weeks for them to respond. After a week went by they called and they were super excited! We told them what we were doing and they said that was great and they wanted to help. They said to come in a week and pick up the safe sex kits, pamphlets and cards for people to fill out. We told them we are holding a dinner on Saturday the 18th and would love all those materials to hand out. They said they wanted to get as many of the cards filled out and then have us return them to see the people that are supporting them. It felt so good that we were doing something that is so important to girls these days! All women have a right to go to place like that in confident and not have to worry about the finacial aspect or what other people think.

    I believe it is very important for social justice to be taught in the classroom. I think students should know about the current events that are going on in their community. It is their future that is at stake and should want to be educated about news and events. I know in some schools that have sex-ed classes, but i don't know if that is enough. I think that in schools they should give information about Planned Parenthood so if a girl does need help they know where they can go, if a parent or teacher is not someone they feel comfortable with. Spreading the word about the positive things planned parenthood would be a great way to let more people know and stand with Planned Parenthood.

    Taking Action, Teaching Social Justice

         To take action against the injustices against women's health and Planned Parenthood, I will sign the card that the other members of my group discussed to show that I stand for Planned Parenthood. It is a small thing, but it can help the organization. They can send me more information on how I can help and who I can contact in the government to show my support and fight for Planned Parenthood. I'm glad to know that even the small things I do can support them and spread the word so that other may support them. I've learned a lot during this project and will continue to do more research on ways to prevent further injustices against women's health.

         I believe that social justice is an important, but risky topic to teach elementary school students. Some topics need to be handled with care based on the opinions of the community. Teachers need to give their students the facts of the topic and leave biases at the door, so that students may form their own informed decisions. Teachers also need to be sure to allow students to disagree in a safe environment where they will not feel attacked or cornered. However, in the right hands the topic of social justice can be an interactive and educational experience. Students can learn how to write letters to government officials and to spread the word of a particular case of interest. They will feel ownership of the project and assignments if they feel like they are making a difference.

         “Struggle for social justice is central to our nation’s history…“Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies”

         I feel as though this quote sums up exactly how I feel about social justice.


    Crystal's Take Action!


    To take action and show our support for Planned Parenthood we contacted the Boston division who then gave us these card (shown above) and other materials to distribute at our gathering where we will be raising awareness.  By filling out the card with your personal information you are agreeing that you too support PPH family planning, birth control and preventative care for women. At the same time you are also supplying PPH with the information that will contribute to their database on demographics concerning who does endorse PPH.

    By signing up through the card above I am acknowledging that I want to be informed of any issues that will affect PPH.  In return I can show my support by helping them fight these battles in whichever way they present themselves.  Meaning politically by sending letters out, volunteering or even protesting.  I am already apart of a few other organizations where I volunteer my time throughout the year so it feels good to add another onto the list because I am acting on what I believe is good for our society and future generations.

    This type of action connects with our society's democratic values because I am voicing my opinion through freedom of speech.  I want to be informed if something or someone tries to change the help that PPH offers and therefore do my part to keep this organization up and running.  :o)  Keeping yourself and others educated on the current event issues is definitely a tool for the public good.  Sadly it is not something that everyone takes advantage of so it up to those who are educated to help with awareness on these types of problems.

    " Struggle for social justice is central to our nation's history....concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies."  

    I absolutely agree with this quote.  Children should be made aware and educated about the right's they hold as citizens but also the rights that every women and man hold regardless of their color of their skin, sexuality, age or gender.  By allowing and advocating for the rights of every individual we are also making a better place for the common good as well.  I believe social studies can be one of the easiest and trickiest areas to teach to children because not everyone will agree on certain issues.  Everyone has the right to their own opinion.  As teachers we need to teach strategies where children are able to voice these opinions in a safe environment while learning to respect the rights of others.

    On another note below I am listing additional links that concern's women's rights when it comes to birth control and abortion that have been recently in the news.  The first link is an article from the Huffington Post "the Virginia House passed the extreme “personhood” bill that could ban common forms of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, and abortion care with no exceptions for women in VA."

    This could do so much damage to women's rights if this were to be passed.  But as long as we all stand up and voice our opinions I hope it does not pass just like last time.

    The next link is concerning the recent decision made by President Barack Obama for extending benefits to cover birth control.  These are the top craziest things being said about this decision:

    What I find to be a little ironic when it comes to this topic is that the people that are making decisions on women's behalf are all men!

    Wednesday, February 15, 2012

    Taking Action.. and Thought on Teaching Social Justice

    To do my part and "take action" towards supporting Planned Parenthood and what they do I signed an "I stand with Planned Parenthood" support card. Doing this made me feel like I was helping because when we received the support cards from Planned Parenthood they were really excited to give them to us and eager to get them back to see the demographics of who stands with and supports what they do. Seeing their excitement with our help and support has made me very excite to be supporting and raising awareness for such a great organization.

    In regards to teaching social justice I think this is something that should be incorporated into classrooms even at an elementary level. I do believe education can be used as an instrument for the public good. I think both the students and community can learn and benefit from being taught social justice and participating in service learning projects. On our specific topic of Planned Parenthood, the awareness and the funding, I know that abstinence is suppose to be taught in school but I think information on Planned Parenthood and safe sex should also be giving and available to students in need.


    Tuesday, February 7, 2012

    Stephanie’s Planned Parenthood Interview

    I interviewed my younger brother Patrick who is 18 years old.  Patrick is 18years old, a senior at Lynn English High School, a history and government major, and works part time at Abercrombie Kids. I chose to interview Patrick because I wanted to see just how much children at the high school level know about Planned Parenthood.  I was also interested in hearing a males perspective about the situation.

    What do you know about Planned Parenthood?

    I know that Planned Parenthood is kind of like a health clinic.  It is a place that you can go to and get free contraception (condoms, birth control) and other health related services.  Unfortunately, I do not know a lot about it though because ever since President Bush enacted abstinence-only education my teachers can only tell us “don’t have sex” or “just don’t do it.”  When we try and talk to them about it they inform us that we have to talk to someone else because they can lose their job over it.

    Do you think that cutting funds for Planned Parenthood is a problem? Why or why not?

    Yes…if the government cuts the funding then what will happen to the low class people and teenagers who need assistance and cannot afford or go to their primary care doctor? In the end it will just create more poverty and more low income families.

    Do you agree with government cutting funds for Planned Parenthood?  Why or why not?

    No, I do not agree with government cutting funds for Planned Parenthood. I think the government should be involved, but they should not cut the funding.  If they do cut the funding then a lot of younger people will get pregnant, and in the end it will be more damaging for the government.  The government needs to promote safe sex and even supply us with resources and knowledge; not take it away from us.

    Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why/ why not?

    Yes, other within my community would think this is an important problem.  I have only heard about Planned Parenthood because of other students at my school. I know that it is important to be able to continue these services, and have a place where teens can go for confidential assurance and information they cannot receive at school or home. Everyone I know has gone to a Planned Parenthood center or knows someone who has, even if it is just for information. 

    What are disadvantages of this policy?

    Overall, it is more so the fact that people do not like their money going to someone else.  They often feel places like Planned Parenthood are unnecessary because they have never been given proper information about it.  There is also the image of it being an abortion house, and evil. This makes people feel as if Planned Parenthood goes against their personal and religious beliefs.  These types of stereotypes are harmful because they lead people to not want to support or fund the “poor” people who need birth control.

    Due to the little knowledge you have about Planned Parenthood’s budget cuts, which party do you believe is responsible for them and why?

    I think that the Conservatives/Republicans are responsible for this because they are pro-life and against government spending (for the most part).  The Democrats, on the other hand, are pro-choice and for government spending (again, for the most part).  Plus, by cutting the funding to Planned Parenthood they are able to turn this into a political issue.

    Do you think the government is doing this on purpose to affect women's rights?

    No, but to play devil’s advocate I would say the government is more so playing class war fare. They are perpetuating the cycle of poverty more so than anything.

    What, if anything, do you think the government can do to help Planned Parenthood instead of cutting their budget?

    I think the government should leave Planned Parenthood alone as long as they are not providing the funding for abortions.  Planned Parenthood helps a lot of people and provides resources to both men and women. They give out free condoms, birth control, sexual health information, and many other things all while keeping it confidential.  We do not have to go to our parents, which often times we can’t anyways.  The government should make it known that it is not a place for the irresponsible, it is actually the exact opposite because they give us the opportunity to be responsible for ourselves.

    Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?

    You can look it up on the internet or check out my blog spot.  I am sure that you can also hear about it on the news and in the newspapers.  Honestly, the best way to find information related to both side of this situation is by going online and typing in Planned Parenthood funding cuts.
    My brother in Italy!!!Me and Patrick enjoying the Red Sox!!!


    I learned that our society really is affected by our government.  I knew that government could influence us, but I never really realized how much they could add or take away at their leisure.  I think though my biggest surprise was learning about the abstinence only policy in education. To know that a teacher cannot help advise a student about their sexual health (if asked) is sad.  I mean really where are these children supposed to go?  I know that they have places like Planned Parenthood, but what happens when the funding is cut, then where do they go?  I also like the way it was brought to my attention that this is about women, but it is more so about class status.  The lower classes are likely to be the ones who lose out on everything they need assistance with (not just women). By conducting this interview I learned (through some quick research) that Planned Parenthood also conducts health screening for men.  In addition to this, they give openly give them information, testing, and other materials for safe sex. I really liked how I was able to hear the opinion from a high school student, from a more poverty stricken area. I think that in some ways I was expecting him to know more about this situation and was a little surprised to find out that what he knows it just from basic conversations.

    Amanda's Planned Parenthood Interview

    I interviewed my mom Sharon, who works as an accountant at a non-profit organization. She is a mother of three and had some knowledge of the problem going on based around the funding for Planned Parenthood.
    -I know that Planned Parenthood gets mammogram funding, and that girls can go there for birth control.

    -Yes, the funding cuts of Planned Parenthood are important because with out organizations like these there would be a lot more unfit and young mothers out there because they would not be getting the protection and information needed.

    -Yes, for those who this organization directly affects, but I also feel many people are ignorant to the subject and the problems surrounding Planned Parenthood.

    -I am not sure on any policies in place around this problem but I think that this should be covered under a freedom of choice clause.

    -I have recently heard on the news about the funding for Planned Parenthood, and have seen a few articles about it so I feel as though right now there is probably many ways to get information on this subject.

    I learned that many people aren’t very educated on Planned Parenthood unless it directly affects them or their family or there is visibly a Planned Parenthood in their own community. I was surprised to find out that the closest Planned Parenthood to Salem and the North Shore area is in Somerville and that, that location is only an express location, and the next closest location is in Boston.


    I interviewed a friend of the family named Dave.  He is an electrician and a father of two young children.  I went by some of sample questions with a few of my own.  After the first question I did fill him in on some more details about Planned Parenthood and the possible funding cuts that they could be facing on a federal and state level.

    1. What do you know about Planned Parenthood?
    It is an organization that helps women with their health issues especially those in the low income bracket.

    2.  Do you think this is a problem?  (cutting funds for PPH)
    It's a non-issue for me....I think it's only important politically.  It's a token issue....a political ploy used by both sides.

    3.  Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why or why not?
    Yes because ther are a lot of people dependent on the services they provide.

    4. Since it's clear that you believe this to be a political issue can you elaborate?
    I believe that right now the Republicans have the power in Congress and they are the ones trying to cut funds whereas the Democrats are doing the opposite. 

    5.  You said that it's a non-issue for you but do you think it'll be different when your daughter is older?
    I'm not really sure.  I want for her to be able to exercise her rights as a citizen, to be able to have access to programs like this if there ever were a need for it.  So I suppose it's more of an issue then I think it is.

    6.  Recently Mitt Romney has unfortunately been siding against women's health (again) by calling for the White House to take away birth control coverage without co-pay from women based on where they work.  What do you think or feel abou this?
    I feel it's unfair.  He most likely biased because of his religious views.  Just because he believes it's wrong to stop life from happening doesn't mean it's not a social issue.  This world would be more jammed packed and more children neglected if women did not have birth control available.  In my eyes they are being responsible parents even before they become one.

    The Debate on Planned Parenthood: A matter of life and death?

    "The funding for Planned Parenthood allows for the resources needed to educate women on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place."

         Hello everyone! Our blog assignment for this project was to prepare an interview with questions that involve our fight to support Planned Parenthood and all of its incredibly important resources. I conducted my interview with someone who I knew would have very strong opinions in this mother, Lorraine! My mother is a mother of two from Methuen, and an active participant in my hometown's community. When I approached her on potentially doing an interview about the challenges facing Planned Parenthood, she was immediately on board to answer my questions.

    -What do you know about Planned Parenthood?
         They give out birth control and exams to people on a sliding pay scale, so that people with out money or insurance can get the help they need and see a doctor. They also can refer women to get mammograms because a doctor's referral is needed to make an appointment to have a mammogram performed. Planned Parenthood also provides resources that can help educate young women to make healthy decisions regarding sexual activity and learn about their bodies.

    -Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
         Yes! This is a very big issue! Millions of women won't have access to birth control, gynecological exams, and mammograms if funding is cut to Planned Parenthood. This lack of help can cause serious health issues and even, in the extreme, death! A woman might never know if she had cervical cancer, for example. This decision would mainly affect the poorer women, who may need it the most! Many cities have high levels of poverty and not just individual poverty, but a general community poverty as well.  These communities would have an extremely difficult time self funding a Planned Parenthood facility. I think it is unfair to take away from these Planned Parenthood clinics! Not only does it do all those things I mentioned, but it educates women who may not know key information in areas related to sexual health.

    -Do you think the government is doing this on purpose to affect women's rights?
         I think it is a political ploy by the anti-abortionists in the government to punish Planned Parenthood for performing legal abortions.

    -Does Planned Parent perform the abortions themselves or do they refer the women somewhere else?
         Some Planned Parenthood clinics perform the abortion on site, though its a small percent of Planned Parenthood's operations. They do so much more than abortions that its not right for the government to punish them based on that one small factor.

    -Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why/ why not?
          A lot of people do! There was an overwhelming response to the announcement and it blew up all over social media! People very very upset and concerned for these women who would be denied if this took place. In fact, there was such a huge outcry that the cut to funding was overturned and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure decided to continue their support of Planned Parenthood. Before they announced their continued support for Planned Parenthood, many stopped donating to them. Instead, they directly donated money to Planned Parenthood, so that they could stay in business.

    -What disagreements, if any, about Planned Parenthood exist in this community?
          Its an ongoing debate between the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice supporters. Its constantly in the news, even more so during election times. Personally, I think Roe v. Wade will never be overturned and nor should it. Back alley abortions and other dangerous methods would certainly happen to these women who choose abortion if Planned Parenthood were shut down. The funding for Planned Parenthood allows for the resources needed to educate women on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

    -Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
          Many places can be used to find more information. A quick Google search to find Pro-Life or Pro-Choice websites can be very informative, though you have to check the sites credibility. Planned and internet forums on this topic can help, too.

         I think Lorraine makes some fantastic points in this interview. Planned Parenthood being denied funding is an issue that needs to be looked at deeper. Its not just an organization that could be shut down! People need to consider the lives that would be affected by this decision. I too share many of these opinions. I did learn quite a bit of information in discussing the debate on Planned Parenthood. I did not know that some of the Planned Parenthood clinics performed the actual abortion. I had always thought that they referred the women to a different clinic or to a specific abortion clinic. I have a clearer view of why Planned Parenthood is being attacked by Pro-Lifers now. People really need to see past the abortion argument and look at all the greater good that Planned Parenthood does. Think on your own family, friends, and neighbors in the community who could be affected. Would you really want them to be denied the care they deserve?


    Katie's Interview

    - What do you already know about planned parenthood?
    - Is this a problem you think is important and why?
    -Do you think others in our community think that this is an important problem?

    FYI 2/18/12
    This is when we will be holding a gathering for Salem State students at the Black Lobster in Salem. Everyone in Junior Block will be invited. Further information will be given in class. But if you watched the end of the video you will now understand it. Planned Parenthood is donating safe sex kits for use to hand out.

    I learned that not alot of males know alot about planned parenthood and what they do. Students of Salem State also dont know where the nearest planned parenthood is located, which becomes another problem. I learned that the closest planned parenthood is all the way in Somerville! 

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012


    Hello all!

    We are the planned parenthood princesses! We are; Katelyn, Amanda, Stephanie, Crystal and Brooke. We study elementary education at Salem State. Our service project is to gain awareness for planned parenthood and all that they do. We want people to know how important a place like this is, so girls can continue to go there in confidence. We have interviewed a couple of boys about this matter to get their opinions and a lot of them have never heard of a place like this. We hope to not only educate girls about Planned Parenthood but educate the boys as well. The government is trying to cut the funding for planned parenthood, and we disagree with this completely.

    A few of the links on the right speak of the bills that are being passed on both a federal and state level.  If either houses support the bills Planned Parenthood looks to lose millions in funding which in turn will effect what services will be offered to women.  Mostly healthcare concerning sex education,cancer preventative screening, testings and treatments.

    Crystal's position:  I absolutely support Planned Parenthood.  Not only have they been educating millions of young girls and women for years  but they have also been an advocate for women's rights.  Many of the negative attention towards Planned Parenthood has to do with the issue of birth control and abortions.  I believe every women has the right to choose whether or not they want or need either of choices.  Even if they don't they should at least have the option.  When our resources are taken away it leaves us with no options but the ones being forced on us. Especially for those who have limited financial support to begin with.  I hope we can come together and support our girls of today and the mothers of tomorrow.

    Stephanie's position:  I am in full support of Planned Parenthood.  I feel as if everyone should have a  right to make informed, independent decisions about health, sex, and family planning. This is a place that has been  a trusting and caring environment that has been helping women for 90 years.  They should not lose thier funding just because they allow individuals to prevent unintended pregnancies through access to affordable contraception. They are actually the one's who protect the health of young people by providing them with comprehensive sex education,  health tests, and screenings for cervical and other cancers. Planned Parenthood is a necessary resouce for low income families and it should not be taken away. We should not be forced into losing such a necessary resource because the Government does not agree with some of the decisions it makes.

    Katie’s position- I support everything that has to do with Planned Parenthood. I would say just about every girl I know has been there at least once in their lifetime whether it be for themselves or if they were bringing a friend. Planned parenthood is somewhere where girls can go and no one else needs to know about it. They don’t charge you some ridiculous co-pay and usually take care of everything that day.  Getting rid of a place like this would defiantly have a huge impact on younger girls who need some type of contraceptive or information about sex in general.

    Amanda's Position: Just like the rest of my group I fully support Planned Parenthood and think it's a great and essential organization. Planned Parenthood is a place where young girls can go to get information, help, or testing, at a zero or low cost. Planned Parenthood makes girls feel comfortable and gives them the knowledge and necessities to have safe sex. Planned Parenthood is also essential to low income areas and families as a lot of girls don't have the right role models in their lives or the money for protection. I think it is absolutely horrible that the government is trying to cut funding for a great organization such as Planned Parenthood.

    Brooke's Position: Like the rest of my group, I support Planned Parenthood. It is an important organization to educate and support girls and women's health. Poor education can cause the spread of teenage pregnancy and STDs. Planned Parenthood can help communities by being a safe place to get help and ask questions. The free testing, condoms, and lessons is a vital commodity for young women who decide to be sexually active. Even more so in areas that do not have the resources to support them. The fact that the government thinks it has the right to cut funding and control the sexual health of women is disgusting. This is a step backward in women's rights.